Spread your wings



Привет, мои творческие друзья!
Сегодня у меня для вас и для блога Ярославского СК холстик в настроении Стимпанк.
Вдохновением мне послужил прекрасный мудборд Арт-рецепта от Finnabair.

Hello my creative friends!
Today I have a canvas in Steampunk mood for you and for the blog of Yaroslavl SC.
I was inspired by Finnabair's lovely Art Recipe moodboard.

Фон создан с помощью красок, восков и др. от Finnabar Prima. Фигурки также из молдов Finnabar Prima. Список использованных продуктов я укажу внизу статьи) Римские цифры, часть циферблата, шестерёнки и др. чип от Лавандового Комода. Старые лампочки, ключ и металлюшки Mitform Castings отлично дополнили композицию.

The background is created with paints, waxes and more from Finnabar Prima. Figures are also from Finnabar Prima molds. I will indicate the list of used products at the bottom of the article) Roman numerals, part of the dial, gears and other chip are from the Lavender Chest of drawers. Old light bulbs, key and Mitform Castings metal pieces perfectly complemented the composition.

Пусть у вашей мечты расправятся крылья!
До новых встреч!

Let your dreams spread the wings!
See you!

P.S. Бегу заявляться в челлендж 😁

P.S. I run to join the challenge 😁

This beautiful moodboard and color palette fills me with inspiration at first sight! I love, love, LOVE it and of course I participate in the challenge!

From the list I used Liquid Acrylic and Stencils.

And also many other wonderful Finnabair products.

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  1. Wow this piece of art is amazing is that a picture of yourself? STUNNING hugs Amy

    1. Awww! Thank you very much! I am so happy you like my canvas! This photo is from Pinterest. I didn't have a suitable photo of myself. Gotta fix it)))) HUGS

    2. It kinda looks like you ;-) it's lovely

  2. Beautiful. Your submission really stands out. Love how you used the Mitform casting in her hair.

    1. Thank you very much! I'm so pleased! Yes Mitform fit perfectly! :)

  3. Cool work, you nailed it 👍!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm glad you like it! :)


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